Why You’re Not Seeing Results In Your Workouts
I’ve had a lot of students and clients over the years that come to me after hitting the gym daily and eating a clean diet but are still not seeing the results they want.
It’s important to make sure that your are catering your workouts to your goals, fueling your body properly, and getting adequate sleep, but what if you are doing that and still not seeing progress?
Does this sound familiar? When you’ve been putting in all the hard work, this can be so frustrating. The fix might be simpler than you think and doesn’t involve doing more burpees. Often times, what needs to be changed in your routine to get those results, as crazy as it sounds, has nothing to do with diet or exercise.
Usually when this happens I find out that a client is having a hard time with a family member, coworker, a friend. or is dealing with anxiety, depression, or some type of hardship and this is what is halting their results.
It all boils down to your wellness.
Health vs. Wellness
The difference between health and wellness is health is usually the factor you cannot control, whereas wellness is your lifestyle. There are eight components that work hand in hand in order to achieve wellness. They are: physical, emotional, intellectual, environmental, social, spiritual, occupational and financial.
Physical wellness is what you typically think of when you think about what it takes to be healthy. Eating right, regular exercise, getting adequate sleep, getting regular medical exams, and maintaining healthy body weight.
Emotional wellness is the area I see people struggle with the most. It’s how you feel about yourself and others, as well as how you deal with stress. Being able to handle the highs and lows of life, in addition to everyday stresses is important for having good emotional health.
Intellectual wellness is lifelong learning, curiosity, the capacity to question, and critical thinking. It’s important to keep up on current events, learn new skills, read, etc.
Environmental wellness is the influence the environment has on your health, which can be positive or negative. Having good environmental health means living in a clean, safe and comfortable environment.
Social wellness refers to the development and maintenance of meaningful, lasting relationships. Having good communication and people skills are determined more by the depth of good relationships rather than the quantity.
Spiritual wellness can mean different things to different people, but it all comes back to your purpose and sense of meaning. This component of wellness can be religious and include your standards and beliefs, or it can be completely unrelated to religion and include being altruistic and enjoying the beauty of nature.
Occupational wellness is the fulfillment and satisfaction felt in your career as well as your relationships with coworkers.
Financial wellness is your ability to live comfortably within your means and effectively budget for emergencies and other goals.
After getting an idea of what each of the categories is, do you feel you’re doing well? Here is a quick assessment that can give you a better view of your current wellness state and help you set better goals to see results.
Take this short wellness quiz to find out what areas you can improve on.
Rate each question on a scale of 1-5. Find the average for each category. If you score 3 or below on any category, then you know that area probably needs a little work.
I exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week
I maintain a healthy body weight
I consistently get 7-9 hours of sleep
I avoid skipping meals
I eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
I have happy and satisfying relationships
I get support and love from friends and family
I am able to express my feelings to those close to me
I participate in community events
I feel compassion for others
I rarely feel tense or anxious
I find it easy to relax
I can say “No” without feeling guilty
I am able to deal with daily stresses without undue emotional stress
I have not experienced a major stressful event in the last year
When I am angry, upset, frustrated, I take time to try to understand why
I feel fully present in each moment
I have a budget
I live within that budget
I am happy with my current level of savings
The meaning I have found for life brings me peace
My life has meaning and purpose
I understand my life’s meaning and purpose
I have experienced moments of peace during a tragic event
I enjoy my work
I enjoy my work environment
The level of stress in my work environment is comfortable
I feel happy with what I accomplish each day
I create goals for myself
I pursue mentally stimulating activities
I read regularly
Once you find what areas you can improve on, I suggest setting a goal for each area you scored low on. Start with one area, master that, then move on to another area. Achieving optimal wellness is something that needs constant work.
I hope you found this quiz helpful! Be Sure to follow me on Instagram or check out some of my other stuff here.